Launching of a position paper entitled Draft Local Administration Law
Under the patronage of His Excellency Mr. Tawfiq Krishan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Local Administration. In cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Jordan, the launch of a position paper entitled Draft Local Administration Law... The independence of the elected councils is a real achievement and the governance of democracy.
This is a continuation of the draft legislative review of the decentralization law 2018.
Since all of Dr. Salma Al-Nims, "General Secretary of the Jordanian National Committee for Women's Affairs", His Excellency the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Local Administration, Mr. Tawfiq Krishan, His Excellency the Representative, Dr. Ali Al-Tarawneh, “Chairman of the Administrative Committee in the House of Representatives” and from the Legislation and Opinion Bureau, and His Excellency Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Thneibat will participate in this ceremony.
The paper was prepared by the researcher, Hussein Al-Sarayrah.